today technology is being not only interest and enthusiasm but a matter of necessity. in every steps it is inadverently being used up.As we know,every stuffs has pros and cons as the two sides of the coin,technology inspite of its brilliant features and the amazing ways that automatically ends up with our mouth open without exactly not noticing, it has its two sides.
today if somebody asks me. "who is your best friend" i will for sure with no doubt reply it with "google" because it is with whom i spend most of my moments more than with my buddies and even more than with my parents. from how to have your food stuffs properly with how to dress up well,how to act when what happens,everything we google,when we get to hear a single new word that we havnt heard before, immedialtely the thought to google it up comes to our mind. those things that we are supposed learn from our parents, our buddies, those things that we are supposed to disscus it and intrepret it with them, these responsibilities have actually transfered to google in today's busy life. i am never far from google, i carry it along with me every moments,even when i am asleep it lies beside me on my bed, in my mobile phone. If i dream something unusual, i immediately google it for intrepreting it,so it satisfises my desire, quenches my thirst of knowing something that i would rarely gain from any of my friends. so i can visualise it, how internet has touched me,to my daily life.
and facebook,i cant even complete my fingers of both hands if i have to count my dear buddies but i am proud to say i have hundreds of them there. when i login to facebook, i dont login only to facebook but to the different world, the world of virtuality, apart from the real world. far apart from the real one. A place where people completely go insane, where they can explore everything and every parts they are not associated to. most of us have failed to realize this fact that what seems on facebook is mostly not real, and what is real is mostly not seen on facebook. but we, everyone of us has already learnt to get adapted, to explore and to enjoy this virtual world. also,one fact because of which we enjoy it so much is that we can be a totally unique creature here which we fail to be in real life. apart from the other fact that we every humans are in the same or the other way unique from each other, failing to explore this soul, our uniqueness in real life, the desire within us to be something extra most of the times is aided via facebook. the same one in real contrasts his ideas, thoughts, ways of thinking with the virtual one. one loses his realness here.its so we get to hear and most of us have faced too, the cases where the heart gets break up when it has to take a complete 'U' turn while getting back to real world from the virtual one, coz we visualize it too late..
however in todays busy life, where people are not being able to hold on to even blood relations, here it has become a matter to make us feel complete, at least while we are onto my context, it makes me feel warm as a support to hook on with life as my real life's friends are the diaries and the notebooks, from whom i dont expect a feedback and a reply in return.a one sided talk.and for problems and suggestions i can completely rely on my best friend, google with whom i can share evrything, knows more than me and is a perfect friend. only the sad part is that, it cant breathe, it has no life. but most of the time, i do feel it better coz something that is exactly like us and has life are the rare ones with whom we can share and truly be friendly for life time may wonder with what about the hundreds of friends of facebook? you know, they are the different stories, the whole world differs with them.
and so solitudeness has unwantedly become my habit that neither i can freely feel like enjoying into the real world nor always get into the virtual ones. its not only my fault because real ones,they dont attract like the virtual one does.and next, i have realization virtual ones are infact not the real ones.not the real ones..
i fear someday some of us,who gets hit by the sun rays of the other world to start the day and gets asleep with the same one to begin it the other day, fearing with the solitudeness in real world,might not get chance to feel the specialty of being here and might not live to the fullest for not getting chance to fear the death. some, they might be born in the other world and never realize the fact that there is the real world in real, never letting his blood flow with the lively thoughts, his own thoughts that comes from within, and never getting to interpret something in the way his soul feels. Actually never getting to live life that must be felt as a granted one to feel its importance. and pasing the days along with the virtual rays every morning, he might get mixed up with the dusts of the same world at the end. he may never get a chance to breathe in the real air.he may never live the real life, in real world with the real air breathing in and the real pains facing and letting it go into his nerves and flow into his bloods. his blood that would never get a real flow, to actually live a real life wasting all the creativity he would have shown with the aid of the real world..
today most of us, we engage ourself unnecesserily into virtuality like facebook as mentioned already,then comes hi5 google +, twitter, you tube and so on apart from our benificial deeds..we are attracted to such moments that has tried to snatch our real life activities. here virtuality meaning the part of real life that suppress our real world, i fear someday,it may occupy it as a whole and supress it in such a way that somebody if even tries to peep into it may get suffocated and slowly people may not log in to real world and finally it may come to an end.
so i fear with it, i fear losing the nature, i fear losing the humanity in real, an
yes i fear losing the world in real, the world in real ... !!!!!!!!