The time really we cant predict
Breaking the promise i made to you
Today ,i am departing
I am leaving you dear, making you alone
But have faith in me , someday i will surely come to take you my home
Don't cry dear, don't give pain to your heart

And to me, you being everything
Your love will obviously let me back...
Your single drop here will wet my chicks wherever i am
At your every smiling moments, my days will be lightened
Dear be happy coz your smile is my courage
Your support is the only one with what i am moving my days
Don't let your nights go missing my presence
Always be with hope dear
Will be struggling just for you till my end
Don't wait me there, at the place where we used to
Coz, i have already moved away, Far away from you..
Sorry dear i couldn't bid you, the last goodbye then
Your innocence would have let me go very weak
And i wouldn't have the strength to face you
With the truth which i would be going through
The last moment i was being with you...
It would really have fallen me dear
Along with my desire...
The desire to let you be with everything you want
To give you everything you wish for..
Do try understanding dear, don't ever think i left you with mesh
Will ever be with you, missing you an your prettiness...!!
Bless and regards to you, with lots of love i am leaving
Never lose hope, with everything one day, i will surely be coming
Your love for me will obviously let me back
And again at that very place,
we will together be.. Letting everything apart..
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