Thinking nothing for a while
You may say i am dreaming
But having left that years ago
i just keep my eyes still
at a point, where nothing seems to move
The point where i see myself,
My past, where i was and my coming days where i am going to be
And that's been like my habit
I don't remember the point where i started,
neither do i plan when to stop
I just go numb inside,
as if all the forces are uniting to keep me alive
making me feel like they are the one helping me breathe,
Helping the past me to stand today as a present me
all the zumbled worries they unfold right there i find a lead to keep me go
with a faint pain they get washed even more
i am then relieved like i had never had those..
So that's like my fighting back, the fight with myself
since with creator i never had any complains
No one is uselessly made, there is no doubt for sure
Somewhere to use myself i am up, so don't ask me why did i do so
I don't have answer to those silly questions
To those who want to believe,these are the ways i feel, the ways my heart heal..
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