Wednesday, 25 March 2015


I inhaled the fumes of a cigar letting the smog get in
to quench my thirsts, craving to get into my spirits, 
my inner soul had purposelessly been floating
Wandering to triumph the inner peace 
Now, every cell of mine dances to its beat 
with the ounce of smoke getting dispersed everywhere
a feeling of totality runs into my nerves 
a need to feel its warmth rests inside me
I am then a lost being, a strange feeling
That I love to take it within me, 
that feels am no more here 
I am not within me 

I puffed out a cigar letting the smog soar up 
Letting the thirst of my gloominess rise along
My Absurd mind loving to guard its innocence 
I wished I could disperse and run away,
Dodge as it swirls up 
Evading all my harshness 
all the suffocations and the mess-ups 
I wish I could mix along, along with its flow 
vanish in a second as soon as I emerge  
in every blow, being a miniature
and end up as vast as the ocean 
Leaving no scars, no remorse 
No mourn and no any grieves
All that is left is an odor
That continues 
Continues to blowout
As a lament of a departed souls...