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Getting you busy over plans to pack up
Feels like today
A rainy dawn it was
Trying to save her little kid
She had already wetted her back
And i was there on a park bench
Watching her with vigour..
I was there to enlighten myself
the peace i used to feel there and with the nature's help
It was a soft rain, still i was peirced
Being lost for a while, i keenly watched
For i saw her teen spirit around her
Who seemed to have left her just a year ago
Within her there lied a wish, to gudbye those worst days n sorrow..
with that rainfall, i saw her wish
She hoped she could join her hands and mouth with ease
she laid breast feeding her child
Along with two others at the side
Beneath the tree with a small bucket
Unable to do anything i continued to stare,
Dissatisfaction flowed within my bloods
Still i needed to be silent
This was for what she was brought here
It was within her fate..
She can Neither fight for what she desires
Nor detach her soul
All she can do is watch the people passing by
And expect to make her bucket full
And i was still on that bench
Watching her with the same pace
As She felt proud, Tears glistened her eyes
This time She was able to save her child
She breathed out Aware of what else might catch them up there
My eyes doloured too and I continued to stare
I continued to stare !!!
today technology is being not only interest and enthusiasm but a matter of necessity. in every steps it is inadverently being used up.As we know,every stuffs has pros and cons as the two sides of the coin,technology inspite of its brilliant features and the amazing ways that automatically ends up with our mouth open without exactly not noticing, it has its two sides.
today if somebody asks me. "who is your best friend" i will for sure with no doubt reply it with "google" because it is with whom i spend most of my moments more than with my buddies and even more than with my parents. from how to have your food stuffs properly with how to dress up well,how to act when what happens,everything we google,when we get to hear a single new word that we havnt heard before, immedialtely the thought to google it up comes to our mind. those things that we are supposed learn from our parents, our buddies, those things that we are supposed to disscus it and intrepret it with them, these responsibilities have actually transfered to google in today's busy life. i am never far from google, i carry it along with me every moments,even when i am asleep it lies beside me on my bed, in my mobile phone. If i dream something unusual, i immediately google it for intrepreting it,so it satisfises my desire, quenches my thirst of knowing something that i would rarely gain from any of my friends. so i can visualise it, how internet has touched me,to my daily life.
and facebook,i cant even complete my fingers of both hands if i have to count my dear buddies but i am proud to say i have hundreds of them there. when i login to facebook, i dont login only to facebook but to the different world, the world of virtuality, apart from the real world. far apart from the real one. A place where people completely go insane, where they can explore everything and every parts they are not associated to. most of us have failed to realize this fact that what seems on facebook is mostly not real, and what is real is mostly not seen on facebook. but we, everyone of us has already learnt to get adapted, to explore and to enjoy this virtual world. also,one fact because of which we enjoy it so much is that we can be a totally unique creature here which we fail to be in real life. apart from the other fact that we every humans are in the same or the other way unique from each other, failing to explore this soul, our uniqueness in real life, the desire within us to be something extra most of the times is aided via facebook. the same one in real contrasts his ideas, thoughts, ways of thinking with the virtual one. one loses his realness here.its so we get to hear and most of us have faced too, the cases where the heart gets break up when it has to take a complete 'U' turn while getting back to real world from the virtual one, coz we visualize it too late..
however in todays busy life, where people are not being able to hold on to even blood relations, here it has become a matter to make us feel complete, at least while we are onto my context, it makes me feel warm as a support to hook on with life as my real life's friends are the diaries and the notebooks, from whom i dont expect a feedback and a reply in return.a one sided talk.and for problems and suggestions i can completely rely on my best friend, google with whom i can share evrything, knows more than me and is a perfect friend. only the sad part is that, it cant breathe, it has no life. but most of the time, i do feel it better coz something that is exactly like us and has life are the rare ones with whom we can share and truly be friendly for life time may wonder with what about the hundreds of friends of facebook? you know, they are the different stories, the whole world differs with them.
and so solitudeness has unwantedly become my habit that neither i can freely feel like enjoying into the real world nor always get into the virtual ones. its not only my fault because real ones,they dont attract like the virtual one does.and next, i have realization virtual ones are infact not the real ones.not the real ones..
i fear someday some of us,who gets hit by the sun rays of the other world to start the day and gets asleep with the same one to begin it the other day, fearing with the solitudeness in real world,might not get chance to feel the specialty of being here and might not live to the fullest for not getting chance to fear the death. some, they might be born in the other world and never realize the fact that there is the real world in real, never letting his blood flow with the lively thoughts, his own thoughts that comes from within, and never getting to interpret something in the way his soul feels. Actually never getting to live life that must be felt as a granted one to feel its importance. and pasing the days along with the virtual rays every morning, he might get mixed up with the dusts of the same world at the end. he may never get a chance to breathe in the real air.he may never live the real life, in real world with the real air breathing in and the real pains facing and letting it go into his nerves and flow into his bloods. his blood that would never get a real flow, to actually live a real life wasting all the creativity he would have shown with the aid of the real world..
today most of us, we engage ourself unnecesserily into virtuality like facebook as mentioned already,then comes hi5 google +, twitter, you tube and so on apart from our benificial deeds..we are attracted to such moments that has tried to snatch our real life activities. here virtuality meaning the part of real life that suppress our real world, i fear someday,it may occupy it as a whole and supress it in such a way that somebody if even tries to peep into it may get suffocated and slowly people may not log in to real world and finally it may come to an end.
so i fear with it, i fear losing the nature, i fear losing the humanity in real, an
yes i fear losing the world in real, the world in real ... !!!!!!!!
i shouted and cried aloud
but no body around cared
wanted to ask for help but no one dared
Amazed, no reply i got..
made me feel like, my presence or not..
why is this? why people are so ?
thought assisting wont make their pride go..
no one is ready to hear my sound
and me ??
i could hardly view around..
Again i asked..
trembling with fear..
but, no humanity was there..
my voice reached and it was not affecting
touched forehead and it was bleeding..
i shouted and cried, moved a bit
the situation was that
if somebody would led me feed..
palms full of scratches
as if faced struggle
i wonderingly shouted more..
coz my condition was terrible..
help ! help ! i said
and i cried for lord
i was alone in that long crowded street
surrounded by blood !
hands got up
legs moving harder
people gathered there..
taking about murder,
went nearby and i saw the wound
in a body, similar to me..
as if it was traced..
cloth upon me whitish in color
everybody mourned and i was suffered..
uncontrolled, i laid on road
passed a car upon, and no harm it showed
finally i screamed,
getting to know
it was not the people's fault
why my voice dint reach
coz it was not the complete me..
it was just my soul..
it was just my soul..
the time, the place though usual
Carried away with expression of thoughts
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Don't wait till life shows you your way, work out and grab the best for you... there's a long way to go...
Who i am when i am me..
Looking at me obviously you learn
to be glad, to cheer and fun
I am stretching, Yes , Broadening my lips
But no one can see the breakage on it
the burns..It pains.. it really does !!!
i may be the rising sun
But through clouds i suffer..
to fly high and the patches to heal
yes, i am still open, still, i decor all
my heart gets wider too
But no one can peel me, to see the way i am going through
the scratches,it pains.. it really does !!!
I may be the garden rose
But through thrones i suffer...
So don't feel for me, Don't have faith
you might have seen my lights and praised
But you have never seen my eyes pouring
have never felt my heart paining ...
And yes, you have never seen me dying
day by day with a stony heart
I am taking a salty shower
Waiting for my day,
for the day of my anguish to heal
And the last day of my anguish
will be the day of my end..
it will be the day of my end ....
Don't accept..
My perfect life is now gone
its only in memories
was happy with my family
was happy with my family
but you ruined it already !
I could be alone or be with others
but a single moment without you is impossible..
After you joined me couldn't think of others
though i get the full pleasure,
My prestige is lost...
Friends suggested and i couldn't deny
now i wanna ask, What i got and Why ?
time has flown couldn't catch it before
I can only regret on ignoring family's support
I am alone in this whole world inspite of everyone being here
There are many like me, but with no use and i don't care
How can i leave you beyond my thought
Absence of you makes me lost
want to regain my pure life
and will never accept you, cause it was i
its real hard now trying to be like other
poor me, i can only suggest
Don't involve in drugs and enjoy the life further forever..
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Let me live the moment
I dont want to close my eyes
Even though its dark
I want to at least feel the moment
Somwhere i might sense the spark
Together the cleanse heart and the wisdom
Will light my eyes, set them to the ocean
The pores will let the sparks in
And even if surfacely i close my eyes,
things will be clearly seen
The moment to cherish i dont want to miss them
I know my life is a misery, i wont be gaining it back again
So let my soul be free, let my worse die
Let my dreams touch that sky, let it fly high
I want to set apart my fear widely open my eyes
Moment may be darkest, even then
I will wait for my sense to rise and shine
So don't insist me to close my eyes
Let me sense the spark
I want to feel the moment
Somewhere i might catch up the point
To gain the perspective again
let me breathe the coolest air,
let me in
Darkest hour can be polished on
But its what is being intense
Letting the lives waste
stabs and the hiding back
Crawing With our closed eyes
following the death,
the falls unaware of the times
We will to win the freaking race of our lives
I don't want to fear the death
As i will have lived to the fullest
So let my soul be free, let my worse die
Let my freedom touch that sky, let it fly high
Even though its dark let me go in
Looking at those preety sparks
Let me live the moment
Let me live the moment....
Monday, 5 December 2011
Love going through me...
With the anxious heart i wondered
but only you were the one i found
as your scene touches my mind
love going through me
with a grace i am bound
life feels so awesome
quite wonderful i've started to be
enjoyment of living my life
nowadays i have seen in me..
your presence in my life has made me smile
more than i ever used to
made me feel so secure
more than i ever used to
you and your support for me when i see
makes me feel so nice and so especial to be me !
walking along you
your hands when i hold
i get the pleasure of being
here in this world..
i am dragged in silence
eyes snaps you
with the ever feeling
the moment to be with you..
your talk in my mind roaming everynight
it misses your warm presence
each and everytime
looking up above sky
the stars and the moon
wishing you by my side
i keep wondering all alone .. !!
to be together forever is what i pray for
the distance is letting both of us to suffer
being with you, lonely me, i feel completed
as your presence in my life has lightened my days...
yes coz,
you have made me smile more than i ever used to
and has made me feel so special to be me
when i am in you !!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
My motherland is being corroded..
The second of her slight hope and next second of her unseen tears
I want to wipe them out,
my motherland, my country has already have it so enough..
I shivered deep inside
for it is being corroded along with my longing
I no more can wait for something better
When i am aware of unfare stuffs thats going
My hope is being a burning matchstick
Unable to light the candle
The pace of my hope has never exceeded
Everytime i light a stick and in a second it mourns
The glow of her face i can see it fading day by day
I am still longing hoping to hear from someone, a miracle let us say
To bring her same glow Someone will be standing here
Then i would no more have to agonize for my motherland,
i will no more have to fear!
The second of her scream for her child,for their hurts
and next for her bleeding face and tored skin parts
I want to wash them out,
my motherland, my country has already have it so enough..
So how can i wait for something better
When i am aware of whats going on is unfair
The more I go through my love for her
i fear deep inside for my country is being corroded as i long for..
As i long for..
i cant make you stay..
Getting you busy over plans to pack up
Here i am with the crushing heart
still with the cracks i need to hold it on
The freezing blood in me, to make it softly run !
Weakness in me will tear up your eyes
I hardly need to smile with the lumps inside
Still i cant stop it happen, cant make you stay
coz , i realize,
The pain in you is far more than i can say !
Uncontrolled tears make their way out
whenever i feel you depart
i cant hold on to my emptiness,
I cant satisfy my heart !
Fearing so bad for the day is soon to come
Then, the days will turn out worse from the new morn
when i will realize, waking up worth no more
that goodnight kiss being the last one,
To wish me the day, you wont be around,
You wont be around !!
I will try feeling warm, strengthen my heart
with your love inside me
But miles of distance far, its for sure
I wont be able to be..
Thousands of days without you
wont make my any-day
still i cant make it happen
I cant make you stay .. !!!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
I continued to stare..
Feels like today
A rainy dawn it was
Trying to save her little kid
She had already wetted her back
And i was there on a park bench
Watching her with vigour..
I was there to enlighten myself
the peace i used to feel there and with the nature's help
It was a soft rain, still i was peirced
Being lost for a while, i keenly watched
For i saw her teen spirit around her
Who seemed to have left her just a year ago
Within her there lied a wish, to gudbye those worst days n sorrow..
with that rainfall, i saw her wish
She hoped she could join her hands and mouth with ease
she laid breast feeding her child
Along with two others at the side
Beneath the tree with a small bucket
Unable to do anything i continued to stare,
Dissatisfaction flowed within my bloods
Still i needed to be silent
This was for what she was brought here
It was within her fate..
She can Neither fight for what she desires
Nor detach her soul
All she can do is watch the people passing by
And expect to make her bucket full
And i was still on that bench
Watching her with the same pace
As She felt proud, Tears glistened her eyes
This time She was able to save her child
She breathed out Aware of what else might catch them up there
My eyes doloured too and I continued to stare
I continued to stare !!!
Monday, 14 November 2011
Sunday, 13 November 2011
googling something about virtuality that supperesses the real world...
today technology is being not only interest and enthusiasm but a matter of necessity. in every steps it is inadverently being used up.As we know,every stuffs has pros and cons as the two sides of the coin,technology inspite of its brilliant features and the amazing ways that automatically ends up with our mouth open without exactly not noticing, it has its two sides.
today if somebody asks me. "who is your best friend" i will for sure with no doubt reply it with "google" because it is with whom i spend most of my moments more than with my buddies and even more than with my parents. from how to have your food stuffs properly with how to dress up well,how to act when what happens,everything we google,when we get to hear a single new word that we havnt heard before, immedialtely the thought to google it up comes to our mind. those things that we are supposed learn from our parents, our buddies, those things that we are supposed to disscus it and intrepret it with them, these responsibilities have actually transfered to google in today's busy life. i am never far from google, i carry it along with me every moments,even when i am asleep it lies beside me on my bed, in my mobile phone. If i dream something unusual, i immediately google it for intrepreting it,so it satisfises my desire, quenches my thirst of knowing something that i would rarely gain from any of my friends. so i can visualise it, how internet has touched me,to my daily life.
and facebook,i cant even complete my fingers of both hands if i have to count my dear buddies but i am proud to say i have hundreds of them there. when i login to facebook, i dont login only to facebook but to the different world, the world of virtuality, apart from the real world. far apart from the real one. A place where people completely go insane, where they can explore everything and every parts they are not associated to. most of us have failed to realize this fact that what seems on facebook is mostly not real, and what is real is mostly not seen on facebook. but we, everyone of us has already learnt to get adapted, to explore and to enjoy this virtual world. also,one fact because of which we enjoy it so much is that we can be a totally unique creature here which we fail to be in real life. apart from the other fact that we every humans are in the same or the other way unique from each other, failing to explore this soul, our uniqueness in real life, the desire within us to be something extra most of the times is aided via facebook. the same one in real contrasts his ideas, thoughts, ways of thinking with the virtual one. one loses his realness here.its so we get to hear and most of us have faced too, the cases where the heart gets break up when it has to take a complete 'U' turn while getting back to real world from the virtual one, coz we visualize it too late..
however in todays busy life, where people are not being able to hold on to even blood relations, here it has become a matter to make us feel complete, at least while we are onto my context, it makes me feel warm as a support to hook on with life as my real life's friends are the diaries and the notebooks, from whom i dont expect a feedback and a reply in return.a one sided talk.and for problems and suggestions i can completely rely on my best friend, google with whom i can share evrything, knows more than me and is a perfect friend. only the sad part is that, it cant breathe, it has no life. but most of the time, i do feel it better coz something that is exactly like us and has life are the rare ones with whom we can share and truly be friendly for life time may wonder with what about the hundreds of friends of facebook? you know, they are the different stories, the whole world differs with them.
and so solitudeness has unwantedly become my habit that neither i can freely feel like enjoying into the real world nor always get into the virtual ones. its not only my fault because real ones,they dont attract like the virtual one does.and next, i have realization virtual ones are infact not the real ones.not the real ones..
i fear someday some of us,who gets hit by the sun rays of the other world to start the day and gets asleep with the same one to begin it the other day, fearing with the solitudeness in real world,might not get chance to feel the specialty of being here and might not live to the fullest for not getting chance to fear the death. some, they might be born in the other world and never realize the fact that there is the real world in real, never letting his blood flow with the lively thoughts, his own thoughts that comes from within, and never getting to interpret something in the way his soul feels. Actually never getting to live life that must be felt as a granted one to feel its importance. and pasing the days along with the virtual rays every morning, he might get mixed up with the dusts of the same world at the end. he may never get a chance to breathe in the real air.he may never live the real life, in real world with the real air breathing in and the real pains facing and letting it go into his nerves and flow into his bloods. his blood that would never get a real flow, to actually live a real life wasting all the creativity he would have shown with the aid of the real world..
today most of us, we engage ourself unnecesserily into virtuality like facebook as mentioned already,then comes hi5 google +, twitter, you tube and so on apart from our benificial deeds..we are attracted to such moments that has tried to snatch our real life activities. here virtuality meaning the part of real life that suppress our real world, i fear someday,it may occupy it as a whole and supress it in such a way that somebody if even tries to peep into it may get suffocated and slowly people may not log in to real world and finally it may come to an end.
so i fear with it, i fear losing the nature, i fear losing the humanity in real, an
yes i fear losing the world in real, the world in real ... !!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
it was not me..
i shouted and cried aloud
but no body around cared
wanted to ask for help but no one dared
Amazed, no reply i got..
made me feel like, my presence or not..
why is this? why people are so ?
thought assisting wont make their pride go..
no one is ready to hear my sound
and me ??
i could hardly view around..
Again i asked..
trembling with fear..
but, no humanity was there..
my voice reached and it was not affecting
touched forehead and it was bleeding..
i shouted and cried, moved a bit
the situation was that
if somebody would led me feed..
palms full of scratches
as if faced struggle
i wonderingly shouted more..
coz my condition was terrible..
help ! help ! i said
and i cried for lord
i was alone in that long crowded street
surrounded by blood !
hands got up
legs moving harder
people gathered there..
taking about murder,
went nearby and i saw the wound
in a body, similar to me..
as if it was traced..
cloth upon me whitish in color
everybody mourned and i was suffered..
uncontrolled, i laid on road
passed a car upon, and no harm it showed
finally i screamed,
getting to know
it was not the people's fault
why my voice dint reach
coz it was not the complete me..
it was just my soul..
it was just my soul..
we will be one..
waking the same known path
as i did with you, i feel
though everything is apart now,
memories havent moved a bit
the promises we together kept
which rain was that? took it miles away
looking at your tear filled eyes,
i wish i could make it all as you say
everything to make it over and
be with you, never leaving forever
but, the time flew us away, apart from there
along with the promises, the desire to be together ..
as the days kept moving,
the thing which i always feared with,
the departure led our intimacy go weak
how can your promises be false?
your silly heart wont be understood by all
feelings of your raining eyes can never be wrong
and though we lie far, our soul, to both of us it belongs
wondering on if he feels the same as i do
to wait for his arrival is what i am used to
and till the end, up to me i hope you are coming,
and then in the same way as before, we could begin
the days and nights, we will never feel alone
coz the same rain that wiped all, is again making us one..
the same rain will wipe out all and make us one.. !!
as i did with you, i feel
though everything is apart now,
memories havent moved a bit
the promises we together kept
which rain was that? took it miles away
looking at your tear filled eyes,
i wish i could make it all as you say
everything to make it over and
be with you, never leaving forever
but, the time flew us away, apart from there
along with the promises, the desire to be together ..
as the days kept moving,
the thing which i always feared with,
the departure led our intimacy go weak
how can your promises be false?
your silly heart wont be understood by all
feelings of your raining eyes can never be wrong
and though we lie far, our soul, to both of us it belongs
wondering on if he feels the same as i do
to wait for his arrival is what i am used to
and till the end, up to me i hope you are coming,
and then in the same way as before, we could begin
the days and nights, we will never feel alone
coz the same rain that wiped all, is again making us one..
the same rain will wipe out all and make us one.. !!
silly me...
the time, the place though usual
i felt a difference within me
the lights were not changed
but the pace in me, i could clearly see..
i laid , thought for a while
in each glimpse, your face was on eyes!
the talks we had, the times we spent,
it has passed so soon,
waiting it to be back again..
unable to stop my smile, i asked myself
no one was around, though shyness covered my face
i ran away, away from me..
the fact, i couldnt lie, i knew
my silly heart was in search of you..
nothing but you were on my glimpse,
no one but you were on my beats
then i knew, you were the one surrounding me
you were the one, with whom i always be..
yes, the one i missed !
to be mine forever, the one i wished..
it was you.. it was only you !!!
want my childhood back !!
moment of those days, a part of mine
is really precious and now its far behind
no piles of deeds and no blurry thoughts
freely lie on lap, enjoy cheating a lot !
beyond the discipline but truth was ever
me the future star, was knowing life, the better
wanted to be aged and everything to hold,
importance of that moment, then who had known ?
dolls and buckets, teddies were my friends
time could have stopped but had to follow its trend...
singing and dancing, my hobbies they used to be
heart gets behold , the turning pages of life when i see..
now miss those days and wish to go back,
to regain and collect all the enjoyments i lack
want the lost part of me, my laughter and naughty needs,
if possible then, i again want to be a kid,
i want to be a kid !!!
is really precious and now its far behind
no piles of deeds and no blurry thoughts
freely lie on lap, enjoy cheating a lot !
beyond the discipline but truth was ever
me the future star, was knowing life, the better
wanted to be aged and everything to hold,
importance of that moment, then who had known ?
dolls and buckets, teddies were my friends
time could have stopped but had to follow its trend...
singing and dancing, my hobbies they used to be
heart gets behold , the turning pages of life when i see..
now miss those days and wish to go back,
to regain and collect all the enjoyments i lack
want the lost part of me, my laughter and naughty needs,
if possible then, i again want to be a kid,
i want to be a kid !!!
Friday, 4 November 2011
magic at back and front stage
i scream and shout a loud to warm up
as the will to win is forcefully hitting my nerves
for i have dreams within my single red drop
providing me courage serving me up
makes me stand still, because i deserve
the path i am tracing is the one we all are in search..
i wonder for i have conceived of myself more than the god
what actually it is, the world has been longing for
i am selfish for i have struggled myself to grow up
a gene in me as i am human, a living creature by nature...
i wonder even more seeing people follow deity
haven't often seen them confiding truth that's existing
we know the mystery behind, every buds have self sown
we reside on the same nature that has provided us with everything we have own
i have seen people fight for some more days to live
run from death and hide
a reality apart from the webbed thoughts
i am forced to abide..
a magic behind the stage and world is giving a applause
his conjuration we accept, weakening the hopes we have bind up
fighting within mind, a conspiracy for the trick on the stage
a realization being lacked, divine thoughts have sniffled our head
if i am asked to chose, i would prefer the front door
i don't wish to trick the world when eyes be close
coz i have seen the reality, i better face the conspiration
for i have tangible dream to magically perceive the situation
willing to satisfy hearts when the eyes be open
i dream of winning this world, within the reality and among the real ones.... !!!!
as the will to win is forcefully hitting my nerves
for i have dreams within my single red drop
providing me courage serving me up
makes me stand still, because i deserve
the path i am tracing is the one we all are in search..
i wonder for i have conceived of myself more than the god
what actually it is, the world has been longing for
i am selfish for i have struggled myself to grow up
a gene in me as i am human, a living creature by nature...
i wonder even more seeing people follow deity
haven't often seen them confiding truth that's existing
we know the mystery behind, every buds have self sown
we reside on the same nature that has provided us with everything we have own
i have seen people fight for some more days to live
run from death and hide
a reality apart from the webbed thoughts
i am forced to abide..
a magic behind the stage and world is giving a applause
his conjuration we accept, weakening the hopes we have bind up
fighting within mind, a conspiracy for the trick on the stage
a realization being lacked, divine thoughts have sniffled our head
if i am asked to chose, i would prefer the front door
i don't wish to trick the world when eyes be close
coz i have seen the reality, i better face the conspiration
for i have tangible dream to magically perceive the situation
willing to satisfy hearts when the eyes be open
i dream of winning this world, within the reality and among the real ones.... !!!!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
All alone i be..
a moment i recalled
the time i was about to fall
roses in your hands by my side
waiting for me you wer there
but the falls now i count
equal to those stars
withered roses lying by my side
with pictures in my heart
the scattered hopes and dreams
trying to collect my heart pieces
the struck in me..far from the horizon
the laughter we used to share
no more able i am ,,nothing in me
scratches in my feelings,, bleed-ed it is....
the eyes staring at which,lovely u uttered
making me smile...the promises u kept
forever to be together
now the eyes missing ur stare
tears in them it says
its really hard enough
to let tears go back their ways
worthless it is.. to shun my feels
coz,,the eyes wont let them to hide
evry single nights the dreams that they roam
making me realize..i want u by my side
these more blows my hairs
no stars twinkle at me...
birds evn don seem singing around me..
along wid u everything waved me byee
now noone turn their back..noone cares for me
with the torn heart..bleeded feels
all alone here i be....all alone here i be....!!!
the time i was about to fall
roses in your hands by my side
waiting for me you wer there
but the falls now i count
equal to those stars
withered roses lying by my side
with pictures in my heart
the scattered hopes and dreams
trying to collect my heart pieces
the struck in me..far from the horizon
the laughter we used to share
no more able i am ,,nothing in me
scratches in my feelings,, bleed-ed it is....
the eyes staring at which,lovely u uttered
making me smile...the promises u kept
forever to be together
now the eyes missing ur stare
tears in them it says
its really hard enough
to let tears go back their ways
worthless it is.. to shun my feels
coz,,the eyes wont let them to hide
evry single nights the dreams that they roam
making me realize..i want u by my side
these more blows my hairs
no stars twinkle at me...
birds evn don seem singing around me..
along wid u everything waved me byee
now noone turn their back..noone cares for me
with the torn heart..bleeded feels
all alone here i be....all alone here i be....!!!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
i hate this rain..
when i am not only me
but the lonesome one
and the time grace waves me bye
too far it has gone..
rain falls on my as if i am teased
and then i step back, turn around
trying to shun how i feel
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
wouldn't have hated if could make me smile
it tries wiping my laughter rather than tears in my eyes
i don't feel to cry
don't want to empty my feel of bliss
but this rain gives me company as if i am teased
to let my eye drops fall along with its
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
after i did what i was supposed to
along with its, i shed mine too
but i got betrayed , it cheated me
everything looked so fine,
twinkling more than before i saw
but within me, darkness relied
still solitary covers my soul
still solitary covers my soul
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
but the lonesome one
and the time grace waves me bye
too far it has gone..
rain falls on my as if i am teased
and then i step back, turn around
trying to shun how i feel
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
wouldn't have hated if could make me smile
it tries wiping my laughter rather than tears in my eyes
i don't feel to cry
don't want to empty my feel of bliss
but this rain gives me company as if i am teased
to let my eye drops fall along with its
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
after i did what i was supposed to
along with its, i shed mine too
but i got betrayed , it cheated me
everything looked so fine,
twinkling more than before i saw
but within me, darkness relied
still solitary covers my soul
still solitary covers my soul
it is the reason why,
why i hate this rain
i dislike it for not what it is
but for how it makes me feel
memory, a solace..
i keep on searching a sole reason
for happiness played hide and seek with me
why i was undeserved
to myself i am tired of asking !
but no one replies, nothing in me it says
my heart my soul, has stopped taking to me, taking to myself..
but i know, there were some days
someday it was flourished
i then had my eyes full of glories
i could see my lips stretched those days
i could feel my beats harder those days
and my eyes glistened with shyness whenever i had a look
and a bliss in me, as if i was out of this place,
out of this whole world
and me, the amazing one..
yes, the strange feelings i bore
the feelings of love
and to strange world i went
the world of love
but memories have been just a solace now
your absence darkens me, solitude my soul
counting those stars at sky pale blue
i can feel it equal to the pains i am going through
was it because i shouldn't have waved my thoughts
or is it coz, i shouldn't have dreamt at all
really its hard enough to see my desires departing away
to watch them vanishing right from my way
i am totally devastated , i here die each and every second
but the feel of your presence within me
lazes me again and again
makes me alive still,
the keen reason i be here
your memories and my feelings makes my existence fresh forever !!
for happiness played hide and seek with me
why i was undeserved
to myself i am tired of asking !
but no one replies, nothing in me it says
my heart my soul, has stopped taking to me, taking to myself..
but i know, there were some days
someday it was flourished
i then had my eyes full of glories
i could see my lips stretched those days
i could feel my beats harder those days
and my eyes glistened with shyness whenever i had a look
and a bliss in me, as if i was out of this place,
out of this whole world
and me, the amazing one..
yes, the strange feelings i bore
the feelings of love
and to strange world i went
the world of love
but memories have been just a solace now
your absence darkens me, solitude my soul
counting those stars at sky pale blue
i can feel it equal to the pains i am going through
was it because i shouldn't have waved my thoughts
or is it coz, i shouldn't have dreamt at all
really its hard enough to see my desires departing away
to watch them vanishing right from my way
i am totally devastated , i here die each and every second
but the feel of your presence within me
lazes me again and again
makes me alive still,
the keen reason i be here
your memories and my feelings makes my existence fresh forever !!
have you been the one ?
when i want to know your name
i don't just want a word of it
but the meaning behind
so i would know a fellow
the world has been facing
i want to go behind, to go aside
for my curiosity decreasing its pile
have you been the one world has wished for?
its long journey, you are supposed to pick out the prickles
is it you the one who is in search ?
the real one world need so a color can be filled up
have you been the one world has wished for?
its flow may go back, you are thought to speed it up
the real one world needs so it may not face a burn
it may take a wrong turn,
you are supposed to stand there giving a correct direction
a meaning for your existence
not just a body and soul to cooperate
it has been together for you to warm up
the day its over, soul gets a wing and body a whitish moment
so when i wish to know who you are
i don't just want a profession you have chosen
but the meaning why you have been doing
so i would know a fellow
the world has been facing ..
i don't just want a word of it
but the meaning behind
so i would know a fellow
the world has been facing
i want to go behind, to go aside
for my curiosity decreasing its pile
have you been the one world has wished for?
its long journey, you are supposed to pick out the prickles
is it you the one who is in search ?
the real one world need so a color can be filled up
have you been the one world has wished for?
its flow may go back, you are thought to speed it up
the real one world needs so it may not face a burn
it may take a wrong turn,
you are supposed to stand there giving a correct direction
a meaning for your existence
not just a body and soul to cooperate
it has been together for you to warm up
the day its over, soul gets a wing and body a whitish moment
so when i wish to know who you are
i don't just want a profession you have chosen
but the meaning why you have been doing
so i would know a fellow
the world has been facing ..
you are not mine..
through life as i went
passing all struggle and bliss
a lot i saw and a lot they tried to please.
life flew till no one worthy i saw
i found none to whom i could give my all
Dreams as shower started to fall
felt her every nights and wished to be my girl
to sky i flew and stars got to day shine
every time i prayed god to make her mine
but her feeling couldn't stop my eyes
glistening tears rolled down
her face her voice, everywhere i found
i lost her , i was finished thought for a while
life came back when i heard her with a sweet smile
her proposal for friendship i couldn't deny
but still i feel for her, this truth i can never lie..
the special one who often will be my dearer
i promise to remain behind her with proper care
please forgive me for the love i showed
will ever remain beside coz getting her is my hope
heart says to spend whole life seeing her
mind feels another have to be far
feelings i feel for her .. i am unable to define
still tears flow off when i feel she is not mine..
still tears flow off when i feel she is not mine..
passing all struggle and bliss
a lot i saw and a lot they tried to please.
life flew till no one worthy i saw
i found none to whom i could give my all
Dreams as shower started to fall
felt her every nights and wished to be my girl
to sky i flew and stars got to day shine
every time i prayed god to make her mine
but her feeling couldn't stop my eyes
glistening tears rolled down
her face her voice, everywhere i found
i lost her , i was finished thought for a while
life came back when i heard her with a sweet smile
her proposal for friendship i couldn't deny
but still i feel for her, this truth i can never lie..
the special one who often will be my dearer
i promise to remain behind her with proper care
please forgive me for the love i showed
will ever remain beside coz getting her is my hope
heart says to spend whole life seeing her
mind feels another have to be far
feelings i feel for her .. i am unable to define
still tears flow off when i feel she is not mine..
still tears flow off when i feel she is not mine..
last moment struggle..
a firmer dream i carried when life taught me what it is
that was the time it honored my soul with the wings
heaps of laughter and satisfaction i went through
until i realized life was hazing me, to my insatiable needs..
it was my insanity for i delayed to visualize
poor me i knew not, i was cheated in front of my eyes
flabby arguments for what life insisted me
never turning what i deserved to what i genuinely wanted to be..
i asked life a bed full of roses
it granted me along with the thrones
i wanted to pick out all one by one
left my hands in pain,the scars and the wound
snatched my wings, i tried hard to keep it safe
scratches and marks still i can feel it the same
with an effete body i forged the same dream
hollow inside i crawled on willing everything to end
i was delirious with joy till the fact was obscure
lately a realization being struck ed , not only me but the matter of the world
scrambles the breathe each second as a scrap
if trying to take away liveliness is something life has to
then for the sake of my dreams, a last moment struggle is what i am meant to...
that was the time it honored my soul with the wings
heaps of laughter and satisfaction i went through
until i realized life was hazing me, to my insatiable needs..
it was my insanity for i delayed to visualize
poor me i knew not, i was cheated in front of my eyes
flabby arguments for what life insisted me
never turning what i deserved to what i genuinely wanted to be..
i asked life a bed full of roses
it granted me along with the thrones
i wanted to pick out all one by one
left my hands in pain,the scars and the wound
snatched my wings, i tried hard to keep it safe
scratches and marks still i can feel it the same
with an effete body i forged the same dream
hollow inside i crawled on willing everything to end
i was delirious with joy till the fact was obscure
lately a realization being struck ed , not only me but the matter of the world
scrambles the breathe each second as a scrap
if trying to take away liveliness is something life has to
then for the sake of my dreams, a last moment struggle is what i am meant to...
And a lot wishes to make..
Each day I begin with a pray
To decorate my days
I wish I could be there
where I wanted to be always
There at the horizon you can see my destiny
I want it want to grab
The treasures to kiss
But to wait is what I have learnt
Hope is through what I have gone!!
I count the days,the days to pass more
But I kno,
Still a lot days to begin
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And,and a lot wishes to make!!
When will the time come taking me to my summit
From then, I need no more hopes to carry
No more agonies to go through
Then the graceful me, fearing with my end
But alas! I will see myself again
Wondering on what I was trying to
And what I am given
with a dream by my Side i get some sleeps.
And on next day,with the same hope I begin.
Yes, this is how I be.
This is what life for me is.
I call it heaven where I wait to make my wait over.......
The lessons that life taught me.
The lessons that I learnt till.
The time will be mine
Yes,I have hope
Coz,I know
Still Alot days to begin.
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And a lot wishes to make!!
To decorate my days
I wish I could be there
where I wanted to be always
There at the horizon you can see my destiny
I want it want to grab
The treasures to kiss
But to wait is what I have learnt
Hope is through what I have gone!!
I count the days,the days to pass more
But I kno,
Still a lot days to begin
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And,and a lot wishes to make!!
When will the time come taking me to my summit
From then, I need no more hopes to carry
No more agonies to go through
Then the graceful me, fearing with my end
But alas! I will see myself again
Wondering on what I was trying to
And what I am given
with a dream by my Side i get some sleeps.
And on next day,with the same hope I begin.
Yes, this is how I be.
This is what life for me is.
I call it heaven where I wait to make my wait over.......
The lessons that life taught me.
The lessons that I learnt till.
The time will be mine
Yes,I have hope
Coz,I know
Still Alot days to begin.
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And a lot wishes to make!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
a new ray,a new day, a new year, a new fear,a new feel and a new start.. it was jan 1,2011
i could see those drops escaping by seepage
around those weeds that laid on cold
a surreal feel inside me, the lips getting curve
with no special reason, i warbled within the heart !
i saw me being enlightened touched by the warmth of welcome
i then realized i was trying hard, harder to make my dreams shun
i have packed up with clusters of hope and wish
leaving all the worse nothing i am carrying with
i am here standing, waving bye to these days
i am heading on,heading on
beholding the lights with colored rays !!
i cant hold on with the same ways anymore
freakish to even memorize
blurry thoughts cover my soul
tears wet up my eyes
a massive wave against me
that was hard to confront
yet i have faith in me,that silently whispers
making knock on my door
trying to boost me up!
frequently helding my head high it says.. "you are destined "
"yes, i do" i reply with in me, hoping to conquer the waves against me !
being beaten by that heavy rain,
those pains i bear
i never knew gaining support was that hard
the more near i came, much farther the shelter did
i have no worries coz that was what my fate carried
but now,
to feel the gentle shower of success,
i am forgetting the rain
the wounds that it made
the scratches that is still in pain
the one that blew me apart
wetted my soul even wetted my heart !!
so here i start preparing for the new
voices inside me, the rhythm and the blues
i am here standing, waving bye to these days
i am heading on,i am heading on
beholding the lights with colored rays !!!
my longing..
Unconscious massive voice frequently hitting my head
For the reasons they were yet unknown...
I could clearly hear the whack of my heart
Still in silence I coated some grace around...
Gloomy soul that could never desire on it's own
Was guided by life somewhere to the misery path...
Unknown even of where it would lead
Back to darkness or destiny ahead...
Ship of my delight that sunk a long Ago
Infront of my eyes while I laid on beach...
Limiting within my lips fake joy I had to agree with
N that too frequently staying out of reach...
Fate seeming smacked with sad and sentiments
How cold here be jazz at heart??
Me the soloist at the end of the play after the crew take off and indivisuals apart...
Relying on the moves of almighty i am passive all my way
effort pays off no more, i am dragged whereever the waves let...
Tears have dried up unable to soothe my heart
Dreaming hard for soulder to cry,its harder sobbing all night before the days start....
Thanking her all the day for this mystical way
I creep by myself willing to develop apace...
For the eruption of my longed for happiness
Heart to be sparky and forever grace coated....
For the reasons they were yet unknown...
I could clearly hear the whack of my heart
Still in silence I coated some grace around...
Gloomy soul that could never desire on it's own
Was guided by life somewhere to the misery path...
Unknown even of where it would lead
Back to darkness or destiny ahead...
Ship of my delight that sunk a long Ago
Infront of my eyes while I laid on beach...
Limiting within my lips fake joy I had to agree with
N that too frequently staying out of reach...
Fate seeming smacked with sad and sentiments
How cold here be jazz at heart??
Me the soloist at the end of the play after the crew take off and indivisuals apart...
Relying on the moves of almighty i am passive all my way
effort pays off no more, i am dragged whereever the waves let...
Tears have dried up unable to soothe my heart
Dreaming hard for soulder to cry,its harder sobbing all night before the days start....
Thanking her all the day for this mystical way
I creep by myself willing to develop apace...
For the eruption of my longed for happiness
Heart to be sparky and forever grace coated....
you waved me goodbye forever !
Turning back the pages of my days
where we made out for long
I can hardly withstand to know
That day will never come along
The memories that make me alive still
Where we were together here
At night I hate those stars
The same one which we used to stare
I am here alone with the same place the same roof, the same me, but without your presence
Smiles you took away now tears define me
I can hardly withstand to know
It is the same way,the way I have to be
Your innocence, the last moment I saw your face
With trimbling lips you tried but that was all worthless
My last word they tried moving upto you
But among clouds you hide,to sky you flew
You waved me bye the last goodbye then
Leaving me the fact you'll never be with me again
Hey dear!! Without you for sure I can't be
Your glimpse your voice everywhere everytime I see
You're lost making me believe
you are away forvever from my heart
I can hardly withstand to know
You will never be back and your memories will never move apart..!!!
where we made out for long
I can hardly withstand to know
That day will never come along
The memories that make me alive still
Where we were together here
At night I hate those stars
The same one which we used to stare
I am here alone with the same place the same roof, the same me, but without your presence
Smiles you took away now tears define me
I can hardly withstand to know
It is the same way,the way I have to be
Your innocence, the last moment I saw your face
With trimbling lips you tried but that was all worthless
My last word they tried moving upto you
But among clouds you hide,to sky you flew
You waved me bye the last goodbye then
Leaving me the fact you'll never be with me again
Hey dear!! Without you for sure I can't be
Your glimpse your voice everywhere everytime I see
You're lost making me believe
you are away forvever from my heart
I can hardly withstand to know
You will never be back and your memories will never move apart..!!!

- Aashiey
- I am a dreamer who is no more willing to remain the same.. I love to live each n every single moments of my life without fearing of hurdles that might interrupt me and my destiny, coz thats what life is.. one moment you are full with grace and the next, you are trapped somewhere you will have never expected.. Be Happy, Be You... :)) and yess,be honest n you have got nothing to worry about.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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November 2011
- My motherland is being corroded..
- i cant make you stay..
- I continued to stare..
- Have faith on yourself , Time and Tide wait for so...
- googling something about virtuality that supperess...
- it was not me..
- we will be one..
- silly me...
- want my childhood back !!
- magic at back and front stage
- All alone i be..