Wednesday, 19 October 2011

And a lot wishes to make..

Each day I begin with a pray
To decorate my days
I wish I could be there
where I wanted to be always
There at the horizon you can see my destiny
I want it want to grab
The treasures to kiss
But to wait is what I have learnt
Hope is through what I have gone!!
I count the days,the days to pass more
But I kno,
Still a lot days to begin
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And,and a lot wishes to make!!
When will the time come taking me to my summit
From then, I need no more hopes to carry
No more agonies to go through
Then the graceful me, fearing with my end
But alas! I will see myself again
Wondering on what I was trying to
And what I am given
with a dream by my Side i get some sleeps.
And on next day,with the same hope I begin.
Yes, this is how I be.
This is what life for me is.
I call it heaven where I wait to make my wait over.......
The lessons that life taught me.
The lessons that I learnt till.
The time will be mine
Yes,I have hope
Coz,I know
Still Alot days to begin.
Alot days to pray
Alot stars to fall ahead
And a lot wishes to make!!


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