Tuesday, 18 October 2011

you waved me goodbye forever !

 Turning back the pages of my days
where we made out for long
I can hardly withstand to know
That day will never come along
The memories that make me alive still
Where we were together here
At night I hate those stars
The same one which we used to stare
I am here alone with the same place the same roof, the same me, but without your presence
Smiles you took away now tears define me
I can hardly withstand to know
It is the same way,the way I have to be
Your innocence, the last moment I saw your face
With trimbling lips you tried but that was all worthless
My last word they tried moving upto you
But among clouds you hide,to sky you flew
You waved me bye the last goodbye then
Leaving me the fact you'll never be with me again
Hey dear!! Without you for sure I can't be
Your glimpse your voice everywhere everytime I see
You're lost making me believe
you are away forvever from my heart
I can hardly withstand to know
You will never be back and your memories will never move apart..!!!


Unknown said...

wow what a great postings. Love this Blog so much. Hope to see more such postings from you Aashiey. Best Of luck.

rayzee said...

wahhh.. nice one yaar.. ♥

Aashiey said...

raaz and rayzee...thank u sooooo very much :)) <3

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